The Research Fund of the Union Internationale de Phléologie (UIP) is proud to announce the fourth Servier Research Fellowship. It will provide a 30 000 USD grant for 2 years’ work on a research project in the field of phlebolymphology selected through a highly competitive peer-review procedure.
The competition is open to young candidates who have a specific interest in the field of phlebolymphology and are a member of a national society in this field. The projects must consist of original clinical or basic research in an area of phlebolymphology, such as anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology, diagnostic methods, or clinical research. The fellowship will be made available from 1 November 2005 and end in October 2007.
The review of the submitted projects and the selection of the best candidate will be made by a committee of recognized worldwide specialists in the field of phlebolymphology.
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